
FTL Prostějov - spedice

Using of own capacity of the modern vehicle fleet.

We work with a number of selected contract carriers who have different types of vehicles with capacity up to 24 tons, including special techniques (oversized transports, box cars)

We use modern software for optimal planning of distribution routes.

In the Czech Republic and European countries provide:

  • full truck loads
  • part loads

Advantages of our team:

  • professional access
  • expertise
  • nonstop availability on a mobile phone

With foreign customers we communicate in English and German language. It gives us wide possibilities for cooperation and brings benefits in solving different situations in the field of international transport.

We guarantee demands for high quality, fast and cost-effective transportation.


TRANSPORT AND SPEDITION – Letecká 8, Prostějov, CZ
PositionName (language)PhoneE-mail
DirectorIng. Anna Hanáková
I speak English
+420 582 320
Forwarding managerIng. Stanislav Vojáček
I speak English Ich spreche Deutsch
+420 582 320 217
+420 602 582 104
Sales managerIng. Petr Synek
I speak English
+420 582 320 303
+420 602 773 734
Transport managerPetr Gröger

+420 582 320 313
+420 602 309 226
Forwarding agentTaťána Adamcová
I speak English
+420 582 320 311
+420 606 730 635
Forwarding agentBc. Andrea Kolebačová
I speak English
+420 582 320 256
+420 724 210 581
Forwarding agentRadka Vítková DiS.
Ich spreche Deutsch
+420 582 320 309
+420 721 661 306
Forwarding agentMonika Chmelařová+420 582 320 344
+420 606 738 802