Modul: Carousel

FTL – First Transport Lines, a.s.

We provide domestic and international bus transport, truck transport and we realize service of cars, trucks and buses.

In our area you will find a gas station for sale of diesel and CNG. Furthermore we have a car wash, space suitable for warehousing, and we can also offer complete custom services which we have a lot of experience with. We sell trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles. It salso possible for us to buy spare parts for these vehicles.

Last but not least, we can offer you service of travel agency CK FTL, which prepares each year new and exciting offers to our clients, including various bonuses and discounts.


FTL - First Transport Lines, a.s. is a member of the following professional organizations:

  • Association of automobile transporters ČESMAD BOHEMIA
  • Employers' Association in public BUS transport
  • District Chambers of Commerce in Prostějov


1949Establishment of the state-owned enterprise CSAD Brno with affiliated branch in Prostějov

1992Establishment of the joint stock company ČSAD Prostějov

1993Change of the name of the company, FTL - First Transport Lines, JSC, acceptance of the new logo

1992–1996First successful stage of a development of our company, gaining of the new trade positions

1994–1996Fundamental change of shares of ownership, the members of management became the main owners of the company


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Letecká 8
796 01 Prostějov
Czech Republic

+420 582 320 111

Google Mapa (široká)